Posts in Osteoarthritis
New Technologies in Rehabilitation - Using Verve Mobility "The InfoCrank" in Orthopaedics

Research studies are currently underway, run by Mark Hurworth and his team at SJOG Murdoch, with patients using an Infocrank power meter in their own home to measure their cycling activity while preparing for surgery and then during rehabilitation after surgery. This research will help guide future patients, to help them achieve the best outcomes.

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Body, OsteoarthritisNicole Everett
Returning to Exercise After COVID

Restrictions on gyms, fitness classes and leisure centres are lifting, and most people are eagerly returning to their pre-COVID exercise routines. After such a prolonged break, jumping straight back into exercise can lead to injuries and overuse conditions, particularly in the older adult population. This blog outlines some basic rules to help you return to exercise safely.

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To Operate or Not To Operate. That is the Question.

Watch this highly informative and thought-provoking discussion between Mark Hurworth (Orthopaedic Surgeon) and Ian Dowley (Senior Physiotherapist) about how the decision to operate or not to operate is made. The increasing availability of higher quality radiological imaging often causes a “knowledge explosion” - these images show every little change and irregularity in our bodies. But what is relevant? What is ‘normal’ age-related change and what is actually related to our symptoms? Do these ‘issues’ that have been identified actually need to be surgically ‘fixed’? In a radiological report the complex technical jargon or even the sheer volume of information can be scary and threatening for the patient.

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'Normal' Abnormalities in Our Knees

Modern medical imaging techniques such as MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) allow us to see the structures and tissues within our bodies in an extraordinary amount of detail. But, these highly detailed and readily available scans can lead to premature, unnecessary and unhelpful diagnosis of normal age-related changes that are not actually a problem. A good example of this was highlighted in the 2018 article by Kumm et al. in Acta Orthopaedica, which showed how ‘normal’ and common these ‘abnormalities’ were in their study of pain free, middle aged knees over a period of time.      

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I have arthritis – will I need a joint replacement?

The CHECK cohort study findings indicate that when knee or hip OA is painful, it is the overall severity of the symptoms which increase the likelihood of having a joint replacement, rather than the rate at which these symptoms increase over time. As OA symptoms appear to remain reasonably stable over time, it may be beneficial to postpone primary joint replacement surgery to lower the future risks of revision surgery.

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Osteoarthritis: Time For Us All to Shift the Needle

With the average age of our population increasing, and with many people also dealing with obesity and a sedentary lifestyle, the number of people affected by OA and the disability it causes is also increasing. Fortunately, so has our understanding of this condition. So, what exactly is OA? The Journal of Rheumatology published an excellent article in (April 2018) summarising the best current medical and scientific understanding of the condition we call osteoarthritis. Here is the WrinkleWell summary of the summary.

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Joint Operation - Insight - SBS On Demand

On May 15 2018 the SBS Network in Australia aired an episode of their ‘Insight’ program which highlights the current and ongoing debate amongst health care professionals regarding the effectiveness and appropriateness of surgical and non-surgical alternatives to back, knee and hip surgery. The program features interviews with patients, surgeons, physiotherapists and researchers as they discuss the big question: Is surgery the answer to our joint problems?

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Baker's Cysts - Not Just In Baker's

Baker’s cysts are a common cause of knee pain seen in the clinics of surgeons, doctors and physiotherapists. They are named after Mr Baker, and are not particularly prevalent amongst bakers. Baker’s cysts are rarely the primary cause of knee symptoms. They tend to indicate that something is going on with the knee, and it is the knee itself that the symptoms are coming from. 

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Ignorance Might Be Bliss When It Comes To Medical Scans

The increased availability and quality of medical scans is an important and potentially lifesaving advancement in modern medicine, but do we know too much? We have started to discover that many bone, joint, tendon and other soft tissue conditions that are seen on scans, are pain free and appear to be a common part of the aging process. The phrase ignorance is bliss, comes to mind here.

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