Posts in Pain
To Operate or Not To Operate. That is the Question.

Watch this highly informative and thought-provoking discussion between Mark Hurworth (Orthopaedic Surgeon) and Ian Dowley (Senior Physiotherapist) about how the decision to operate or not to operate is made. The increasing availability of higher quality radiological imaging often causes a “knowledge explosion” - these images show every little change and irregularity in our bodies. But what is relevant? What is ‘normal’ age-related change and what is actually related to our symptoms? Do these ‘issues’ that have been identified actually need to be surgically ‘fixed’? In a radiological report the complex technical jargon or even the sheer volume of information can be scary and threatening for the patient.

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Oldies Are Goldies

A summary from the book Explain Pain Supercharged by Lorimer Mosely and David Butler.

With age comes wisdom. But age may bring a lot of other baggage as well! Our society holds many beliefs and perceptions about getting older, and some of these are myths which need to be challenged.  Lorimer Mosely and David Butler, in their excellent book Explain Pain Supercharged, tackle some of the most common myths about ageing and pain that persist in our culture and may make us unintentionally ageist.

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