Wisdom & Resources for your ageing body and mind

Pain is a complex alarm system in which our body and brain work together to warn us of potential or actual tissue damage

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Pain is a common symptom of many age-related conditions. It is important to understand how pain works to manage it effectively. No two people feel pain in the same way, because we bring our memories, cultural beliefs and expectations to our pain experiences. 

Mark Hurworth (Orthopedic Surgeon) and Ian Dowley (Senior Physiotherapist) discuss the complexities of pain and pain management.

The following pages give a simplified overview of what we currently know and understand about pain. It is a very complex subject that is not fully understood, and which is still being studied and researched around the world.  If you find this summary interesting, and would like to understand pain even more, there are links on the last page to some excellent resources.

WHAT IS pain?

Can we trust our pain?

factors that influence our pain

managing your pain