Posts tagged joints
Osteoarthritis: Time For Us All to Shift the Needle

With the average age of our population increasing, and with many people also dealing with obesity and a sedentary lifestyle, the number of people affected by OA and the disability it causes is also increasing. Fortunately, so has our understanding of this condition. So, what exactly is OA? The Journal of Rheumatology published an excellent article in (April 2018) summarising the best current medical and scientific understanding of the condition we call osteoarthritis. Here is the WrinkleWell summary of the summary.

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Joint Operation - Insight - SBS On Demand

On May 15 2018 the SBS Network in Australia aired an episode of their ‘Insight’ program which highlights the current and ongoing debate amongst health care professionals regarding the effectiveness and appropriateness of surgical and non-surgical alternatives to back, knee and hip surgery. The program features interviews with patients, surgeons, physiotherapists and researchers as they discuss the big question: Is surgery the answer to our joint problems?

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