5 Ways to Wrinkle Well - Key points from a recent article by Dr Sandro Demaio, published on the ABC Life website

Habits that help you age well, no matter how old you are.

Dr Demaio discusses lifestyle factors that are shown to help us ‘Wrinkle Well’ across each decade of our adult lives. He identifies one or two key focus points for each age bracket, but these positive lifestyle changes are important to apply at every age. When used in combination, they are likely to help you feel mentally and physically healthy well into your golden years.

  • In your 20’s – Use Sun protection

  • In your 30’s – Get adequate and good quality sleep

  • In your 40’s – Do not smoke and limit your alcohol intake

  • In your 50’s and 60’s – Eat healthy food and focus on exercise

  • In your 70’s and beyond – Stay physically and socially active


Read the full article here