Tony & Judith

Tony and Judith discuss the importance of community involvement, maintaining good relationships and staying mentally and physically active. For Tony this includes; chess, walking and riding an exercise bike, whilst Judith is a keen swimmer.

Read Tony and Judith’s full conversation by clicking the picture above or watch the video.

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Nicole Everett
Heather & David

Heather is determined to recover her former level of fitness following a major spinal operation. After being forced to retire early due to hearing loss, David now finds great benefit in the atmosphere of comradery and support at his local golf club, which he attributes to his ability to age well.

Read Heather and David’s full conversation by clicking on the picture above or watch the video.

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Nicole Everett
Annabelle & Bryan

Ride, Ride, Ride…. for Annabelle and Bryan social bike riding for fitness and mental health is essential to their positive ageing experience. They plan to continue riding for many years to come, like some of their inspiring 90 year old riding companions.

Read Annabelle and Bryan’s full conversation by clicking on the picture above or watch the video.

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Nicole Everett
Beverley & John

A retired Botanist and Environmental Scientist, Beverley and John find “planning the next holiday” motivates them to stay fit, active and ready to take on new adventures in their retirement. They also join a bike riding group once a week, and even though they now need longer to recover from these activities they still get great enjoyment out of them and manage to avoid the black hole that is - “daytime TV”.

Read Beverley and John’s full conversation by clicking on the picture above or watch the video.

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Nicole Everett
Peter & Lisa

Following a serious knee injury 6 years ago, Peter has since returned to the things he loves – a life on the water. Rowing, paddle boarding and sailing keep Peter fit and busy. Whilst Lisa runs a dance school offering ballet style exercise classes for seniors and those with cognitive impairments or Alzheimer’s.

Read Peter and Lisa’s full conversation by clicking on the picture above or watch the video.

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Nicole Everett