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Diet & Weight loss


The principle of weight loss is simple… Take in less energy than you put out.  In practice, of course, it is not so straightforward!


Contrary to popular belief, there is strong evidence to suggest that diet and energy intake are more important than exercise in achieving and maintaining healthy weight loss. However, the multitude of other physical and mental benefits of performing regular exercise make it an important part of a healthy lifestyle. 

To lose weight our food and drink energy intake must be less than the energy we burn during our daily activities and physical exercise. To minimise unnecessary energy intake, it can help if we:

  • Serve smaller portion sizes

  • Avoid snacking

  • Choose lean meats with good fats

  • Include vegetables in most meals

  • Minimise ‘starchy’ carbohydrate intake, and

  • Avoid highly processed sugary foods and drinks

The other part of the equation is exercise and physical activity. While performing normal daily activities does use some energy, it is recommended that to maintain or achieve a healthy lifestyle we should perform 30-60 minutes of moderate-strenuous exercise on most days. This is exercise that makes us puff and sweat, increasing our heart rate and metabolic demands. 

Making it happen

While the principles are simple, finding and maintaining the motivation and self-control to change our habits and behaviours is not always as easy.  For detailed information on weight loss and exercise you can speak to your doctor or look at the links on this page, but using these few basic tips is a good place to start.

  • Don't do it alone

Find someone positive that you enjoy being around, to exercise and diet with.

  • Make small changes

The most effective way to make long term changes to our habits is by not trying to change everything at once. Maybe pick one meal to start with, and work on making that healthier.

  • Don't give up if you have one bad day

It takes a long time for something to become a habit, so don’t give up if you don’t stick to your plans every single day. 

  • Happy exercise

Don’t choose an exercise program that you know you won’t enjoy. If the gym just isn’t for you, there are lots of fun alternatives. You could take a dance class, do yoga on the beach or maybe join a circus school.

  • Buy a dog

Of course, purchasing a dog does not guarantee weight loss. However, the current research shows that the best indicator of whether a person maintains a new exercise program, is whether they own a dog!

Exercise for Weight Loss


  • Resistance Exercise (lifting weights) working big muscles

  • Aerobic Exercise


  • Minimum of 150 minutes per week (30 minutes, 5 days per week)

  • Moderate to strenuous intensity