Wrinkle Well

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A Novel Way to Motivate Weightloss

Kevin, a 35yo from California, found a novel way to motivate himself and his mates to lose weight and keep it off.   “I could lie and tell you that my new-found drive to exercise is due to pride or determination. The reality is far more pedestrian (ha ha). Money is on the line.”

The motivation that worked for Kevin and his friends? A simple Fitbit challenge, with some financial incentive to help maintain the focus. “It can be difficult to keep your motivation going in the long term. Some days you just want to sleep in a bit late, you know? After the bet, however … I kept moving more and eating less. My weight loss wasn’t linear. There were times when I put a few kilos back on here and there. But I paid attention to ingredients and cooked more.”

Click here to read Kevin’s story about how a Fitbit bet between friends gave him the drive to exercise, change his diet and eventually change his life. Whatever you use for motivation, the benefits of healthy weight loss are enormous, especially for the health of our knee and hip joints as we age. The less weight you carry around in your 40’s, 50’s and 60’s the less damage you are doing to your joints. This is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to weight loss benefits. For more information see our Weight Loss page in the Wellbeing section of the Wrinkle Well site.