Wrinkle Well

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Heather & David

Heather is determined to recover her former level of fitness following a major spinal operation. After being forced to retire early due to hearing loss, David now finds great benefit in the atmosphere of comradery and support at his local golf club, which he attributes to his ability to age well.

Read Heather and David’s full conversation below or watch the video.

David: “I basically play golf. I’ve played golf for 30 or 40 years”.

Heather: “I like to be as fit as I can. Always have. I’m just three months over a major spinal operation, which is my third in the last five years. I can only walk about 300 meters without pain now. And I bend over gradually, so that I am like a bent old lady by the end of the day, which isn’t a good look” laughing. “But I’m really optimistic that it will improve.”

David: “I feel that I retired too early, that was forced on me, But, ummm…”.

Heather: “Forced on you by your health, your lack of hearing rather than…”.

David: “Well yes I had to resign from a company that I basically started because I couldn’t hear at directors’ meetings. At times it gets frustrating because you like to hear what is going on and you can’t. It’s very difficult. And planning for retirement takes some time. You’ve got to work out what you want to do, because you can’t always play golf five days a week or seven days a week.”

Heather: Laughing “Oh dear, he’d like to”.

David: “Certainly at the golf club the men are very caring. I think the oldest is about 93 and the caring that he receives - they put his tee in the ground and the ball on the tee - He will say ‘I just want it 6 inches to the right’, so you’ve got to do that” laughing. “And then I’ll step back from that and fall over, so the comradery in that respect is quite exceptional.”